Outdoor Clothing Repairs

Specializing in sewing repairs on gore tex fabrics and other outdoor gear including sleeping bags jackets tents backpacks and more since 1986 rainy pass repair our partners in fabric repairs and services can also extend the life of your clothing and gear with alterations cleaning and down re lofting.
Outdoor clothing repairs. Patagonia is a designer of outdoor clothing and gear for the silent sports. Lowa mountain gtx boots size 7 13 175 per pair. Factory authorized by the north face helly hansen and trew gear. We are a dedicated outdoor gear clothing repair shop.
Climbing surfing skiing and snowboarding fly fishing and trail running. Our current turnaround time is around 10 working days. Discover the comfort and classic styles of our men s clothing women s clothing and kids clothing along with l l bean boots shoes and slippers. General gear repair for lightweight items.
The highly skilled team at lsr are committed to carrying out waterproof outdoor clothing repairs of the highest quality. Below you will find a step by step guide to our repair service process. Unlike other sewing shops our crew is familiar with all types of outdoor gear. Technical clothing repair alteration and modification.
Outdoor brands can help in selecting new replacement gear or directing you to the closest retailer but not so much in terms of repair. Lsr repair all brands of outdoor gear footwear and clothing. Lsr are officially licensed to repair gore tex outdoor performance clothing. If you are based in the eu except the uk please click here and fill out the eu repairs form.
Specialty outdoors is your outdoor gear sewing and repair expert specializing in alterations modifications and problem solving for technical clothing and light equipment. While some like patagonia maintain a policy of repair that goes beyond manufacturer defect warranties many others have closed or outsourced those services and unfortunately the condoling sympathy of. Explore the outdoors with our lab and field tested outdoor gear for hunting camping and fly fishing including everything from tents backpacks and sleeping bags to kayaks and canoes. Repairs to waterproof jackets waterproof trousers and fleeces.
Once you get familiar with the procedure please fill out the form which you will find at the bottom of the page. In addition to our repair service we can also provide alterations to performance clothing such as salopettes and golfing waterproofs and make specialist modifications to tents. W e are currently selling lowa mountain gtx and lowa combat gtx boots. If you use it in the outdoors the expert fixers at the gear fix can probably repair it.
Scottish mountain gear are the uk and in some cases the european repair centre for many of the leading outdoor brands.