Outdoor Gear Consignment Seattle

Sellers can bring items to the shop during our regular business hours.
Outdoor gear consignment seattle. When they couldn t find many affordable used outdoor gear stores in seattle two friends started their own originally published january 30 2019 at 7 00 am updated may 23 2019 at 12 04 pm. Seattle s new consignment store focused on used outdoor gear for adults and kids. Launched in october 2013 the outdoor gear exchange charitable grant fund was created to help us give back to our local and regional outdoor community. Outdoor gear gets a second chance at consignment store in seattle wonderland gear exchange features new and gently used equipment and clothing for a minimum 30 off retail prices.
It is funded both through customer donated money via their consignment accounts and oge s own contributions. Face masks are required to shop. 8 years old or newer 2012 2013 models. Here s how it works.
Guidelines for winter gear winter consignment starts september 1. Our staff will inspect and let you know if there are any items we. Bring your gear in fill out our consignment agreement and we will get it tagged and on the racks. No telemark skis boots at this time.
All in good working order. We accept quality outdoor gear that is clean and in good shape. Sell your outdoor gear. Second gear is an outdoor adventure gear consignment shop specializing in selling used and new gear clothing footwear accessories.
10 years old or newer 2010 2011 models. All in good working order. Affordable recreation for all activities sporting goods outdoor gear trade in consignment 2nd base seattle seattle wa united states. The fund s goal is to help organizations achieve tangible improvements to land access and conservation.
We sell high quality premium outdoor industry brands like patagonia prana mountain hardwear marmot kuhl ex officio arc teryx the north face chaco outdoor research and more. We would love to have you visit soon.